Optty Widgets Sandbox
This page displays the optty widgets to be consumed by magento

#1 Product Box Widget
Oil Slick
Nourishing oil
#2 Checkout Box Widget
#4 Cart Box Widget
#5 Optty Footer Widgets
#6 product-listing-widget
Note: Price only matters in live mode
Product 1
Price: £30
Product 2
Price: £40
Product 3
Price: £50
Product 4
Price: £60
Product 5
Price: £70
#8 BNPL Logos Widget
#9 BNPL Checkout Content Widget
#10 Optty Easy Checkout Widget
#11 Checkout Content Widget
#12 Optty Create Order Widget
An error occurred while processing your request. Please try again.
The operation was cancelled.
#13 Optty Handle Order Payment Widget
An error occurred while processing your request. Please try again.
The operation was cancelled.